Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Super Ferry Is Operational

After numerous delays related to legal battles over the operation of the super ferry in Hawaiian waters, it is now operating between Oahu and Maui. Generally, the legal battles were over the need for environmental impact studies that were never done to determine namely if there would be any danger to migrating Humpback whales. The super ferry will now operate in and out of Maui daily offering inter island travel between Oahu and Maui. Hawaiian residents may now drive their cars on to the ferry offering more freedom to travel interisland. This will open up intrastate travel wherein residents can go shopping and bring items bought back home without the baggage restrictions commonly experienced with the airlines. It will also offer alternative emergencies services to other islands in the event of a natural disaster. Over the next couple of years, travel from Maui to the Big Island will be made available. The super ferry will be an asset to those who want inter island travel without having to board an airplane. It is also believed this will offer another boost to the local real estate market as residents of other islands may be more likely to consider a second home with the convenient services offered by the super ferry.