Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Perfect Time For Canadians To Invest In Paradise

Here are some comments coming from the Ontario Canada publication, Business Edge. "A strong loonie makes Maui property up to 35 percent cheaper than a few years ago. Drawn by the soft U.S. green back and numerous buying opportunities, Canadians are digging into their pockets, pulling out their own revitalized loonies and getting into the the Hawaiian real estate market in unprecedented numbers. A land of lush beaches, gleaming sands, fascinating history, marvelous weather and a thriving artistic cultural life, Maui casts a spell of languid, lustrous enchantment. The world is a big place, but there are a limited number of top shelf properties to go around. That's why enduring long-term value and appeal of property in Maui seems assured, particularly when it's able to do it as income-generating rental property. Here's something else to consider. Those in the know insist that Hawaii remains insulated from the economic woes that many analysts are forecasting for the mainland U.S. As recently as December, the New York Times reported there has been no slump in sales of Hawaiian homes or proposed development projects in the Hawaiian Islands. So don't believe everything you hear about slumping U.S. real estate markets."